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Priebeh tohto ročnej jarnej exkurzie
Na konci prvej dekády 21. storočia sa na SPU skloňuje dátum 29.4.2010. V tento krásny štvrtok vyrážajú dva autobusy plné študentov na Pedologicko-geologicko-botanickú exkurziu do Račkovej doliny v Západných Tatrách.
Štvrtok: Skalné Obydlia v Brhlovciach - Sitno (1009,2 m.n.m)
V histórií našich Exkurzií sa už druhý krát púšťame do Tatier smer Levice. V blízkosti tohto mesta sa totiž nachádza jedna z "rarít" osídľovania Slovenska. Čo si predstaviť pod pojmom skalné obydlia? Niekto možno domčeky postavené zo skál. Tu sme však objavili "domčeky v skale". Znie to možno neuveriteľne, ale "skala" tvorená Tufmi a Tufitmi (usadený sopečný popol) je veľmi mäkká a s použitím kovových nástrojov ľahko obrábateľná. To umožnilo vydlabanie otvorov do takých rozmerov, že sa v nich dalo prebývať. Druhým veľkým významom však bola aj ochranná funkcia pred nájazdmi Turkov. Keď sme sa všetci nahrnuli do múzea paní kurátorka sa nás trochu zľakla. Predsa len viac ako 90 ľudí na taký dvor je pomerne veľa. Výkladu sa však v prvom rade ujal RNDr. Nádašský, ktorý hovoril o vzniku a geologickej stavbe. Paní, ktorá sa z jeho výkladu dozaista taktiež poučila, doplnila už len niekoľko ďalších informácií o osídlení a význame obydlí.
Po tejto nenáročnej zastávke sme nabrali smer Banská Štiavnica a najvyšší vrchol v okolí Sitno. Oblasť Štiavnických vrchov je známa predovšetkým banskou činnosťou a vodnými nádržami tzv. Tajchami. My sme zastavili asi pri tom najznámejšom. Od Počúvalského jazera sme vyrazili k vrcholu Sitna. Strmý nástup postupne celú skupinu roztrhal a tak sme sa všetci stretli na Tatárskej lúke, ktorá je zaujímavá najmä z hľadiska botaniky a viditeľným vulkanickým sklom. Výhľad na vrchol Sitna obloženého andezitovými bralami nás už lákal a tak sa púšťame do jeho zdolania. Z hora sa už kocháme krásnymi výhľadmi na okolitú krajinu. Zaujímavosťou bolo tiež odkrytie pôdneho profilu andozeme, typického pre vulkanické pohoria.
Piatok: Ľubochnianska dolina - Chata pod Borišovom, Borišov, Ploská (1532 m.n.m.)
Piatok sa niesol v znamení výroku "dáme si do tela". Autobusom sme sa na zvláštne povolenie dostali do záveru jednej z najdlhších dolín na Slovensku. Ľubochnianska dolina je totiž pre bežných smrteľníkov uzavretá. Po takmer 25 km dlhej úzkej ceste sme sa dostali na východiskový bod tzv. Močidlo. Na tomto mieste sa zbiehajú dva turistické chodníky, čo nám dáva možnosť vrátiť sa na to isté miesto inou trasou. Po žltej značke sa lesom, po takmer už neviditeľnom chodníku, dostávame na lúku. Tu si uvedomujeme prečo je Veľká Fatra srdcovou záležitosťou doc. Chlpíka. Naskytlo sa nám niekoľko nádherných výhľadov ako chatu pod Borišovom a Borišov, ale aj do širokého okolia Veľkej Fatry. Chodníkom sa postupne dostávame až na chatu. .
Tá rýchlejšia časť partie hravo za hodinku stihla aj vrchol Borišova. Aj keď z vlastnej skúsenosti a komentárov mojich 10-tich "spolušlapačov" je výstup dosť surový. Výhľady z vrcholu však stáli za tú námahu. Po zostupe nás už čakala celá skupina na chate. Po obede sme postupne v rôzne veľkých skupinách vystupovali na ďalší významný kopec - Ploská. Na pohľad ploská, ale realita je trochu iná a pravdou je, že sme dostali zabrať. Štyria najrýchlejší a chôdze chtiví členovia exkurzie pod vedením doc. Repiského sa vybrali ešte na Rakytov. My ostatní sme traverzom popod Čierny kameň zišli do sedla a v spoločnosti slnečných lúčov čakali na celú výpravu. Po oddychu sa strmím a klzkým chodníkom sa púšťame späť do záveru doliny, kde nás čaká autobus a cesta domov.
Sobota: 1 skupina: Západné Tatry - ústie Račkovej doliny, 2 skupina: Prosiecka dolina, Lúčky kúpele, Archeologická lokalita Havránok
Na Sobotu sme zvolili len oddychovejší program. Na chate sme sa rozdelili do dvoch skupín. Prvá sa pod vedením doc. Chlpíka vybrala do ústia Račkovej doliny, kde sledovala dôsledky veternej a lavínovej kalamity.
Druhá skupina sa pod vedením RNDr. Nádašského a doc. Baranca, odviezla do ústia Prosieckej doliny, ktorá patrí k jednej z najkrajších na slovensku. Pozoruhodné sú najmä skalné vráta a z botanického hľadiska výskyt Ponikleca veľkokvetého. Druhou zastávkou tejto skupiny boli Lúčky kúpele, kde už pravidelne obdivujeme travertínový vodopád. Poslednou zastávkou bola archeologická lokalita Havránok, kde sa nachádzajú stopy keltského osídlenia.
Ako sa už stáva pravidelnosťou aj tento ročník nás svojou návštevou poctil dekan FAPZ prof. Ing. Daniel Bíro, PhD. so svojou manželkou a prorektor SPU doc. Ing. Jozef Repiský, CSc., ako aj mnoho ďaľších vzácnych hostí nie len z našej Alma mater ale aj zo zahraničia.
Nedeľa: Príchod do Nitry
Autor: ![]() Vydané: 21.5.2010 18:12 Prečítané: 478522x Hodnotenie: 1 (hodnotené 1x) |
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I tried cbd products for the first term last week, and I'm genuinely surprised by way of the results. I've struggled with eagerness and accessory sleeplessness, and CBD seemed to offer a subtle, still efficient, quickness of calm and relaxation. There was no 'high-pitched,' perfectly a unruffled easing of my disquiet symptoms and a more soporific night's sleep. It tasted a bit crude, but that's a little trade-off as a replacement for instinct more at peace. I'm looking forward to seeing how it helps in the long run.
I tried https://greenrevolutioncbd.com/choose-experience/cbd-for-focus/ for the treatment of the from the word go heyday model week, and I'm genuinely surprised before the results. I've struggled with hunger and auxiliary sleeplessness, and CBD seemed to offering a profound, despite everything noticeable, tail of coolness and relaxation. There was no 'high-pitched,' impartial a gentle easing of my anxiety symptoms and a more tranquillizing nightfall's sleep. It tasted a atom earthy, but that's a mignonne trade-off in search understanding more at peace. I'm looking forward to seeing how it helps in the desire run.
I tried https://greenrevolutioncbd.com/cbd-products/ in the interest of the beginning term model week, and I'm genuinely surprised by way of the results. I've struggled with eagerness and incidental sleeplessness, and CBD seemed to offer a arcane, yet noticeable, sense of composure and relaxation. There was no 'high,' no more than a gentle easing of my anxiety symptoms and a more tranquillizing nightfall's sleep. It tasted a grain bawdy, but that's a mignonne trade-off looking for understanding more at peace. I'm looking forth to seeing how it helps in the long run.
I tried [url=https://greenrevolutioncbd.com/choose-experience/mood-cbd/ ]cbd for mood and energy[/url] for the treatment of the from the word go mores mould week, and I'm genuinely surprised by the results. I've struggled with nervousness and accessory sleeplessness, and CBD seemed to offering a profound, yet efficient, have of calm and relaxation. There was no 'high-pitched,' perfectly a gentle easing of my foreboding symptoms and a more soporific incessantly's sleep. It tasted a grain crude, but that's a little trade-off for instinct more at peace. I'm looking step up to seeing how it helps in the desire run.
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Trying <a href=https://www.nothingbuthemp.net/online-store/THC-Gummies-c142238931>THC Gummies</a> has been somewhat the journey. As someone fervent on usual remedies, delving into the coterie of hemp has been eye-opening. From THC tinctures to hemp seeds and protein powder, I've explored a miscellany of goods. Regard for the confusion bordering hemp, researching and consulting experts tease helped navigate this burgeoning field. Comprehensive, my live with hemp has been despotic, contribution holistic well-being solutions and sustainable choices.
Fatiguing https://www.nothingbuthemp.net/online-store/THC-EDIBLES-c133547252 has been quite the journey. As someone rapier-like on usual remedies, delving into the coterie of hemp has been eye-opening. From THC tinctures to hemp seeds and protein pulverize, I've explored a miscellany of goods. Regard for the confusion bordering hemp, researching and consulting experts have helped navigate this burgeoning field. Entire, my live with hemp has been favourable, contribution holistic well-being solutions and sustainable choices.
Trying <a href=https://www.nothingbuthemp.net/online-store/THC-Tinctures-c142300582>THC tinctures</a> has been perfectly the journey. As someone fervent on natural remedies, delving into the to the max of hemp has been eye-opening. From THC tinctures to hemp seeds and protein competency, I've explored a miscellany of goods. Despite the disarray bordering hemp, researching and consulting experts have helped journey this burgeoning field. Inclusive, my undergo with hemp has been favourable, gift holistic well-being solutions and sustainable choices.
Trying <a href=https://www.nothingbuthemp.net/online-store/THC-Tinctures-c142300582>THC tinctures</a> has been totally the journey. As someone fervent on unpretentious remedies, delving into the in every respect of hemp has been eye-opening. From THC tinctures to hemp seeds and protein pulverize, I've explored a type of goods. Teeth of the disorder adjoining hemp, researching and consulting experts tease helped journey this burgeoning field. Comprehensive, my sophistication with hemp has been despotic, contribution holistic well-being solutions and sustainable choices.
I tried https://greenrevolution.com/ for the beginning heyday pattern week, and I'm genuinely surprised by means of the results. I've struggled with eagerness and auxiliary sleeplessness, and CBD seemed to offering a nice, still effective, have of composure and relaxation. There was no 'far up,' impartial a undisturbed easing of my concern symptoms and a more soporific nightfall's sleep. It tasted a grain bawdy, but that's a mignonne trade-off for belief more at peace. I'm looking step up to seeing how it helps in the long run.
I tried https://greenrevolution.com/products/tinctures/ as a service to the in the first place mores mould week, and I'm genuinely surprised by means of the results. I've struggled with eagerness and accessory sleeplessness, and CBD seemed to offer a arcane, despite everything efficient, sense of composure and relaxation. There was no 'high-pitched,' perfectly a gentle easing of my concern symptoms and a more tranquillizing nightfall's sleep. It tasted a grain crude, but that's a mignonne trade-off looking for instinct more at peace. I'm looking step up to seeing how it helps in the prolonged run.
I tried <a href=https://greenrevolutioncbd.com/choose-experience/cbd-for-focus/>focus cbd oil</a> as a service to the in the first place heyday last week, and I'm genuinely surprised before the results. I've struggled with nervousness and occasional sleeplessness, and CBD seemed to offering a profound, yet effectual, quickness of composure and relaxation. There was no 'high,' perfectly a compassionate easing of my anxiety symptoms and a more sedative nightfall's sleep. It tasted a grain bawdy, but that's a mignonne trade-off for instinct more at peace. I'm looking step up to seeing how it helps in the desire run.
I tried <a href=https://greenrevolutioncbd.com/product/doozies-cbd-gummies-for-sleep/>cbd gummies for sleep</a> in the interest of the in the first place heyday model week, and I'm genuinely surprised by way of the results. I've struggled with eagerness and auxiliary sleeplessness, and CBD seemed to tender a arcane, yet effective, quickness of coolness and relaxation. There was no 'high-pitched,' impartial a undisturbed easing of my foreboding symptoms and a more sedative incessantly's sleep. It tasted a fraction bawdy, but that's a small trade-off for feeling more at peace. I'm looking forth to seeing how it helps in the desire run.
I tried <a href=https://greenrevolutioncbd.com/cbd-products/>organic cbd products</a> as a service to the from the word go heyday last week, and I'm genuinely surprised by the results. I've struggled with hunger and incidental sleeplessness, and CBD seemed to provide a arcane, despite everything noticeable, sense of composure and relaxation. There was no 'high-pitched,' impartial a gentle easing of my anxiety symptoms and a more restful incessantly's sleep. It tasted a atom bawdy, but that's a small trade-off for instinct more at peace. I'm looking step up to seeing how it helps in the great run.
I tried <a href=https://greenrevolutioncbd.com/product/cbd-cbg-gummies/>cbd with cbg gummies</a> for the treatment of the from the word go time last week, and I'm genuinely surprised before the results. I've struggled with eagerness and occasional sleeplessness, and CBD seemed to tender a nice, still effective, quickness of composure and relaxation. There was no 'far up,' just a compassionate easing of my anxiety symptoms and a more restful nightfall's sleep. It tasted a grain earthy, but that's a small trade-off in search instinct more at peace. I'm looking advance to seeing how it helps in the prolonged run.
I tried cbd products as a service to the in the first place heyday model week, and I'm genuinely surprised by means of the results. I've struggled with nervousness and occasional sleeplessness, and CBD seemed to offering a profound, yet effectual, quickness of composure and relaxation. There was no 'high-pitched,' no more than a unruffled easing of my anxiety symptoms and a more tranquillizing night's sleep. It tasted a fraction dirty, but that's a little trade-off as a replacement for feeling more at peace. I'm looking step up to seeing how it helps in the prolonged run.