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Publikačná činnosť

Vybrané publikácie:
SZOMBATHOVÁ, N. – ZAUJEC, A. 2001. Changes of the soil properties in the   National Nature Reserve Báb after 27 years. In: Ekológia (Bratislava), Vol. 20, 2001,  (Supplement 2), p. 128-132.

SZOMBATHOVÁ, N. – ZAUJEC, A. – PARAČKOVÁ, A. 2001. Difference in some soil properties between cultivated and natural soils. In: Ekológia (Bratislava), roč. 20,  2001,  (Supplement 3),   p. 292-298

SZOMBATHOVÁ, N. - ZAUJEC. - A. BLASER, P. - LUSTER, J. – HEIM, A.: 2003. Comparison of soil humus substances quality between different farming systems. In: Humic Substances in the Environment, Vol. 3, 2003, 1/2, pp. 41-45.

SZOMBATHOVA, N.- DEBSKA, B.- LACKO-BARTOSOVA, M.- ZAUJEC, A.- GONET, S.S. 2004. Characteristics of humic acids isolated from soils under various farming systems. In: Acta Sci. Pol. Agricultura, 3, 2004, 2, pp. 37-45.

ZAUJEC, A. - SZOMBATHOVÁ, N. – TOBIAŠOVÁ, E. – CHLPÍK, J. 2005.  Characterisation of humic substances extracted from lignite. In: Chemické listy, 99,  2005, pp. 178 - 179.

SZOMBATHOVÁ, N. - LABUDOVÁ, S. – LABUDA, R. –KONÔPKOVÁ, J. 2006. The influence of different vegetation on soil chemical properties in Arboretum Mlyňany. In Folia Oecologica. roč. 33, č. 1, 2006.

SZOMBATHOVÁ N. - NOSKOVIČ J. - BABOŠOVÁ M. 2007 Selected chemical properties of soil in the Nature Reserve Žitavský wetland. In: Folia Oecologica. vol. 34, No. 1, 2007, pp. 61-65.

SZOMBATHOVÁ, N. - LUSTER, J. - DEBSKA, B., ZAUJEC, A. - MACÁK, M. - ŠIMANSKÝ, V. - TOBIAŠOVÁ, E. - CHLPÍK, J. 2008. DTA and fluorescence spectra of humic acids as indicators of human influence on soil. In: Chemické listy, 102,  2008, pp. s463 - s464.

ZAUJEC, A. – ŠIMA, J. - CHLPÍK, J. - SZOMBATHOVÁ, N. - TOBIAŠOVÁ, E. - 2008. 13C NMR spectroscopy of humic acids ectracted from incubated plant residues in Haplic Luvisol. In: Chemické listy, 102, 2008, pp. s1200 – s1201.

M. MACÁK - Š. ŽÁK - I. DJALOVIĆ - N.SZOMBATHOVÁ. 2008. The influence of an ecological and a low input system on weed density, weed diversity and weed competition in spring barley. In: Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, Special Issue XXI, 2008, pp. 425-430.

Slovenská pedologická spoločnosť, Slovenský červený kríž, ROH